
Inspired by real women and their experiences, Empowered Birth goes further than most childbirth ed classes. While tapping into a woman’s divine design, we learn to come alongside the body and baby as they navigate birth together. During this class, you will partake in candid conversation about birth, its challenges, what is happening within the birth spaces and how to navigate each stage of the process. Learning vital skills and insightful tools, Empowered Birth is meant to do just that! Empower you!

Breastfeeding by Design: Holistic Lactation Preparation

Empowered Birth: Comfort Measures for Unmedicated Birth

One of the most daunting tasks of new motherhood is breastfeeding. Understanding the “why” is just as important and the “how”. This class takes a holistic approach to breastfeeding as we explore the core foundations of how breastfeeding works, the optimal ways to properly feed your baby, and what we can do to achieve long term success. Feeding your baby should be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. With this class, you will obtain the needed guidance and knowledge to embrace Breastfeeding by Design.

The 4th Trimester: A Nurtured Postpartum

Autonomous Birth: Hospital Preparation

Delivering a baby is the single most giving act a woman can achieve. Throughout history across the world, women have been celebrated and cherished throughout the experience of childbearing and especially cared for in the postpartum period. What changed? Why is our modern culture so detached from this highly necessary practice to facilitate healing? Inspired by Heng Ous’, The First 40 Days, we re-introduce an ancient concept of traditional postpartum healing.

Starts June 2024!

Integral Roots: Nutrition for a Thriving Pregnancy

Starting May 2024!